Privacy Policy

This is the website of Sofel bv

Our mailing address is:
Weverijstraat 6
B-9600 Ronse

Our company number or VAT number is BE 0463.390.774

Our registered office is located at this address:
Weverijstraat 6
B-9600 Ronse

Your personal data, our responsibilityOn this website, we collect personal data. This data is managed by our company.

When you visit our site, we store:
– your domain name (ip address) if you visit our web pages
– your e-mail address if you post messages/questions on this website
– your e-mail address if you communicate it to us
– your e-mail address if you participate in discussion forums
– all information relating to the pages of other sites that you have consulted in order to go to our site
– all information relating to the pages that you have consulted on our site
– all information that you have voluntarily provided (e.g. research information and/or site registration)

This information is used:
– to improve the content of our website
– to contact you later for direct marketing purposes


When we receive or transfer your information on our website, we always use the encryption technologies recognized as common standards within the IT sector. We have implemented the necessary security measures to prevent the loss, unauthorized use or alteration of information we receive on our site. If we receive or transfer certain critical information, such as financial information, we use a secure server

How to contact us regarding our privacy policy?

I. If you wish to comment on our privacy policy, please contact us:

– by email:
– on the phone: 055 30 16 40
– by mail: Weverijstraat 6, B-9600 Ronse

II. If you provide us with your mailing address via the web, you may receive periodic mailings from us, with information about products and services and upcoming events. If you do not (or no longer) wish to receive such mailings, please contact us at the above address. you may receive mailings from other companies/organizations with which we are contractually affiliated. These companies/organizations may be part of the following sectors: – commercial partners

If you do not wish to receive mailings from these companies/organizations (anymore), please contact us at the address listed above.

Note: In the latter case, do not forget to communicate to us your exact name and your address (spelled correctly). We undertake to remove your data from the list we share with other companies/organizations.

III. If you give us your telephone number via the web, you may be contacted by our company by telephone regarding information about our products and our services or about upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive such telephone calls (anymore), please contact us at the address mentioned above. you may be contacted by telephone by other companies/organizations with which we are contractually associated. These companies/organizations may be part of the following sectors: – commercial partners

If you do not wish to receive such telephone calls (anymore), please contact us at the address listed above.

Note: In the latter case, do not forget to communicate to us your exact name and your address (spelled correctly). We undertake to remove your data from the list we share with other companies/organizations.

IV. If you provide us with your cell phone number via the web, you may be contacted by our company via text messages (SMS/MMS/ed) regarding information about our products and our services or about upcoming events (for direct marketing purposes) if you have given your explicit consent or if you are already a customer of ours and you have provided us with your number. If you no longer wish to receive such messages, please contact us at the above address. you may receive text messages (SMS/MMS/ed) for direct marketing purposes from other companies/organizations with whom we are contractually associated if you have given your explicit consent. These companies/organizations may be part of the following sectors: – commercial partners

If you no longer wish your cell phone number to be passed on to other companies/organizations for receiving such text messages, please contact us at the above address.

Note: In the latter case, do not forget to communicate to us your exact name and your address (spelled correctly). We undertake to remove your data from the list we share with other companies/organizations.

V. If you provide us with your e-mail address via the web, you may be contacted by our company via e-mail regarding information about our products and our services or about upcoming events (for direct marketing purposes) if you have given your explicit consent or if you are already a customer of ours and have provided us with your e-mail address. If you no longer wish to receive such emails, please contact us at the above address. you may receive emails for direct marketing purposes from other companies/organizations with which we are contractually affiliated if you have given your explicit consent. These companies/organizations may be part of the following industries: – commercial partners

If you no longer wish your cell phone number to be passed on to other companies/organizations for receiving such text messages, please contact us at the above address.

Note: In the latter case, do not forget to communicate to us your exact name and your address (spelled correctly). We undertake to remove your data from the list we share with other companies/organizations.

VI. Als u van geen enkel bedrijf nog mailings of telefonische oproepen wenst te ontvangen, contacteer dan de Robinson-lijst van het Belgisch Direct Marketing Verbond (online:, gratis telefoonnummer: 0800-91 886 of per post: BDMV, Robinson list, Buro&Design Center, Heizel Esplanade B46, 1020 Brussel)

VII. Our company may use consumer information for new purposes not yet provided for in our “privacy policy.” In that case, we will contact you before using your data for these new purposes, to inform you of the changes to our regulations for the protection of personal data and to give you the opportunity to refuse your participation.

VIII Upon request, we provide visitors to our site with access to all the information we maintain about them. If you wish to access this information, please contact us at the address listed above.

IX. Upon request, we offer visitors the opportunity to correct any incorrect data that we maintain about them. If you wish to correct your personal data, please contact us at the address listed above.

X. If you feel that our site does not comply with our privacy policy, please contact: – our company itself, at the address listed above”


This website,, is protected by copyright. The contents of this site, including the texts, layout, drawings, photographs, films, graphics and other components of these sites are protected by copyright. Any copy, adaptation, modification, translation, arrangement, public communication, rental or other form of exploitation of all or part of this site, under any form and by any means whatsoever is strictly prohibited, except by prior written permission of Sofel bv . Any infringement of these rights can be prosecuted criminally or civilly.

Limitation of liability

Sofel bv makes great efforts so that the information made available is complete, correct, accurate and up-to-date. Despite these efforts, errors may occur in the information provided. If the information provided contains inaccuracies or if certain information on or via the site is unavailable, we will not be liable. Sofel bv make the greatest possible effort to rectify this as soon as possible.

Sofel bv however, cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damages arising from the use of the information on this site.

If you should find inaccuracies in the information made available through the site, please contact the site administrator.

The user should be aware that the information is subject to change without notice. Sofel bv can in no way be held liable for the content of this site or for the use that may be made of it. Sofel bv can in no case be held liable for the content and existence of other sites to which hyperlinks are established.